
Solfeggio Frequency Music

Looking for music with Solfegio frequencies?

Each of the nine Solfegio frequencies promotes physical and mental improvement, bringing the listener a world filled with love and harmony.

Good Sleep Frequency incorporates Solfeggio Frequency into music to create music that heals the mind and body, such as sleep, meditation, and relaxation, so we hope you find music that suits your purpose.










Solfeggio playlists by frequency

In addition to YouTube, various streaming services create playlists for each Solfeggio frequency, so please use them.
Also, we would appreciate it if you could create a playlist that suits your purpose.

[174Hz] Basics of expansion and evolution of consciousness

The lowest solfeggio frequency, 174Hz, is said to work on the inner surface of the person and lead the mind to stability.
Stabilization of the mind leads to self-affirmation of one’s axis and existence, and gives courage to take a step forward.
It is a frequency that can be said to be the basis for the evolution and growth of the soul.

[285Hz] Expansion and promotion of consciousness from the multidimensional area

285Hz is said to be the frequency that perceives the higher world beyond the 3rd dimension, which is the current position of the earth.
By expanding and promoting consciousness from the multidimensional domain, you will be able to know the higher world and look at all possibilities.
It is said to have the effect of discovering the truth, creating wisdom, enhancing the natural healing power of the body, and balancing the mind and body.

[396Hz] Release of guilt and fear

396Hz is a frequency that relieves people’s unconscious sleep “feelings of guilt, trauma, fear, and anxiety."
It is said that humans make 97% of their daily choice decisions unconsciously.
The unconsciousness lies deep in the unresolved emotions and unfulfilled feelings of childhood, which can cause various troubles.
Let’s release the life by removing “belief" and “mind block" at 396Hz, which is also called “healing frequency".

[417Hz] Mind and intellect to challenge change

The frequency of 417Hz is said to work on consciousness (explicit consciousness) and unconsciousness (subconsciousness) and promote recovery from negative thinking and negative situations.
After releasing guilt and fear at 396Hz, listening to 417Hz will enhance the effect.
It is a frequency that can be expected to boost behavior such as a spirit of challenge, a spirit of challenge, and a spirit of adventure by removing the fear of change.

[528Hz] Infinite possibilities, DNA repair, miracles

Among the Solfeggio frequencies, 528Hz is called “love frequency" or “miracle frequency" and is attracting particular attention.
It is said to have the effect of repairing damaged and broken DNA cells exposed to stress.
In terms of music therapy, it is known that listening to music containing 528Hz switches on the “parasympathetic nerve" of the autonomic nerve, leads the mind and body to a peaceful mode, and helps improve many lifestyle-related diseases.
It is also said that the increase in the happiness hormone “oxytocin" has the effect of reducing anxiety, tension and stress.
As a result of these things, DNA repair, disease recovery, rejuvenation, love practice, and “love frequency" and “miracle frequency" that bring in infinite possibilities have become popular frequencies.

[639Hz] Improvement of human relations

639Hz is said to be a harmony frequency that brings about a connection with people.
By integrating and alleviating conflicting things, we can expect effects such as improving relationships, cooperation, harmony, and restoration of bonds.
It will wipe out negative feelings and fill you with love for your surroundings.

[741Hz] Ability to solve problems, expressiveness

741Hz is said to be effective in “improving expressiveness".
“Expression" includes not only artistic aspects but also improvement of communication skills in relationships.
By increasing your expressiveness, you can improve your mental and imagination and solve various problems.

[852Hz] Awakening of intuition

852Hz is a frequency that is said to be effective in “awakening intuition."
It is also said to activate the pineal gland that awakens the subconscious mind, enhance insight, intuition, inspiration, and potential, and bring out spiritual abilities.
It is also recommended for those who have a personality that thinks too much because of their intuition and those who want to refresh their brains.

[963Hz] Higher dimension, connected to space consciousness

The highest frequency among the Solfeggio frequencies, 963Hz, is said to enhance spirituality and connect with higher dimensions and cosmic consciousness.
It is a popular frequency to listen to during yoga and meditation because it enhances the sense of unity with the universe and spiritual beings and has the effect of activating the brain.