
Nostalgic 639hz

Do you live near the ocean?
Or do you need to move a little to reach the ocean?
The sound of the waves in this song was field recorded in the calm waters of Japan.
Is there any difference from the sound of waves you have heard before?
It is sobering to think how many times waves have been repeated since the birth of the oceans on earth.
But no two waves are exactly the same, even though they look the same.
They look the same, but they are all different.
And even now, the waves are one with the sea, repeating themselves.

Without conflict.

“Nostalgic 639hz" is harmonized with the solfeggio frequency 639hz.
We hope this music will help you to relax deeply and harmonize with all things.
Where do your roots as a human being lie?
As long as we are born on the earth, we must all be the same.
Even if we were not born on earth, we would still be the same from a cosmic point of view.
But now, although we seem to be the same human beings, we are made aware of our differences in country, race, skin color, religion, ideology, gender, occupation, and many other things.
And we are all fighting against each other as one with something.

I pray that all souls on this earth will recall their nostalgic memories.
Memories of a time when we were happy and united with love…

Stream Good Sleep Frequency music

We do our best to make Good Sleep Frequency music available on as many platforms and services as possible.
The last few titles are now available in 192khz/24-bit quality high-res audio and Dolby Atmos.
If you have a favorite streaming service in your country or region, we invite you to try it out.